The first step in joining our game is becoming a member. You can get a free trial membership for your first 6 months, and after that, it’s $30 annually to be a member. When you sign up for a membership, you’ll get a MES Member Number, and you’ll be able to attend our events and visit our Discord servers. Become a member

The best way to talk to people to build character ties, flesh out your backstory in the local lore, and get help with the character creation process is to visit our Discord server: Join our Discord

Then, we suggest you read through the New Player Guide. Whether you’re brand new to Vampire: the Masquerade or have been a fan of the World of Darkness for decades, this can help you understand the local game setting, get brought up to speed on the latest plots, and narrow down the character types that are playable in the local game: New Player Guide

To build a character, you can follow this guide. We use the By Night Studios (2013 version and 2021 vol2 book), but the full mechanics and abilities are all nicely listed on this website: Game mechanics and charater abilities

You can get a character sheet here: Blank character sheet

Or, if you want, you can use this handy spreadsheet that will do the math for you. As of May 2024, you’ll have 384 XP to spend on top of all the free dots you get in character creation, and you can add an extra 16 XP per month on top of that afterwards: Character creation spreadsheet

If you have any questions, feel free to ask on Discord, or to email the venue storyteller at and we can answer any of your character creation questions!